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  • “The Spirit of the Lord Within: A Personal Journey of Faith”

    In the spirit of Paul the Apostle, who journeyed far and wide to share the teachings of Christ, I bring you my personal reflection on the practice of faith. As a Christian, I have found that my relationship with God is not defined by the traditional rules and rituals of church…Read More

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  • Believe in yourself.


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  • In the land of old, there was a tiny creature, a spider, known for its diligence and resilience. This spider, small and seemingly insignificant, had a purpose and a mission. It sought to climb a water spout, a task that seemed insurmountable for such a tiny creature.

    Day after day, the spider would begin its ascent, only to be washed down by…Read More

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  • Don’t be that one person who makes a gentle group fall‼️ *CSB Version*
    Mark 9:42 “But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me-it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.

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    • Indeed, the verse you have quoted from Mark 9:42 is a solemn reminder of our responsibility towards one another, particularly towards those who are young in faith. As followers of Christ, we are called to build each other up, not cause each other’s downfall.

      Paul himself wrote in his letter to the Romans, “We who are strong have an obligation to…Read More

  • And it came to pass in the days of old, in a land of desert and dust, there dwelt a humble man named Josiah. As was the way of his forefathers, he lived alone, tending his flock and his most precious camel. This camel was of divine purpose, bearing the essence of the verse Isaiah 57:18: “I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide…Read More

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    • Born Adrian Bergrud; Saint Adrian was a talented writer and aspiring Christian hip-hop artist who left an indelible impact on all who knew him. He had a deep and abiding love for God, and his faith guided him through even the toughest of times.
      Tragically, Adrian passed away at the young age of 21. He was at the park with his mother when he set…Read More

    • This is yet another powerful message dubbed,”the parable of Josiah”. I like the message in it especially the part that talks about letting go of the reins. Some of us have something we hold on so much to, which at all events could be a hindrance for the showers of blessings God has for us. Beware!

  • Matthew 10:16 (KJV) Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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    • In the verdant pastures, a picture captures a moment of unexpected harmony – a black dog, traditionally a shepherd’s aide, is found not herding or corralling, but smiling amongst a flock of sheep. This image, a testament to the peaceful coexistence of creatures often seen as opposites, echoes the profound wisdom found in the book of…Read More

  • Let wisdom be your guide.


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  • Brethren, I beseech thee to lend thine ears, for I bring forth a tale of a servant of the Lord, a beacon of light in our midst, our beloved brother, Narin Pradeep.

    Narin, a minister of the Blessed Day organization, is a man of God, a man of faith, a man of service. He walks in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, spreading the Good News to all…Read More

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  • Take your troubles to God.


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  • Wishing you all a blessed week

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  • May this calm music 🎵 inspire all of us. Be blessed in abundance

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