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    Paul is with Jillian and Hans

    10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Oh, gracious Father,

    I beseech you today with a heavy heart, a heart laden with sorrow and grief for my dear friend Debbie. Lord, you know her pain, for you see into the depths of every soul, and you hear the cries of the brokenhearted.

    We come before you, not as strangers, but as your beloved children, seeking solace and strength in the midst of this profound loss. Debbie’s first love and the father of her precious daughter has been taken from this world today, and the weight of this loss is almost unbearable. Father, you are the only source of true comfort, the wellspring of all peace and understanding. We ask that you extend your loving arms around Debbie, cradling her in your embrace, for in your presence alone can she find the refuge she so desperately needs.

    Lord, you are the God of all consolation, the author of hope, and the healer of broken hearts. I pray that you fill Debbie’s spirit with your enduring peace, a peace that surpasses all human understanding. Allow her to feel your loving presence, and may she find solace in knowing that her loved one rests now in your eternal care.

    Help Debbie to remember the beautiful moments she shared with her beloved, the love that brought her daughter into this world, and the legacy of a loving father. May these memories be a balm to her wounded heart, and a testament to the power of love that transcends time and space.

    Grant her the strength to carry on, to be a loving and nurturing mother to her daughter, and may their bond grow stronger in the absence of her father. Give her the wisdom to guide her child with love and grace, and the knowledge that she is not alone in this journey. Your presence, Lord, is always with her.

    We also pray for all who mourn with Debbie, that they may be a source of comfort and strength to her in these difficult times. Bless her friends and family, who are supporting her in her grief, and help them to know the best ways to provide love and support.

    We place all our hope and trust in you, O Heavenly Father, for you are the God of compassion and grace. In your mercy, restore the joy that has been stolen by this loss and let it be a testament to your transformative power. May this prayer, in the spirit of Paul the Apostle, be a beacon of hope for my dear friend Debbie, and may it remind her that she is never alone, for you are always with her, guiding her through the darkest of valleys.

    In the name of Jesus, our Savior, we pray. Amen.

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