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    1 year, 7 months ago

    Creation: Genesis 1-2
    Fall of Adam and Eve: Genesis 3
    Cain and Abel: Genesis 4
    Genealogy from Adam to Noah: Genesis 5
    The Flood: Genesis 6-9
    Genealogy from Noah to Terah: Genesis 10-11
    Call of Abram (later called Abraham): Genesis 12
    Abram and Lot separate: Genesis 13
    Abram rescues Lot: Genesis 14
    God’s covenant with Abram: Genesis 15
    Hagar and Ishmael: Genesis 16
    Covenant of circumcision: Genesis 17
    Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: Genesis 18-19
    Abraham and Abimelech: Genesis 20
    Birth of Isaac: Genesis 21
    Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac: Genesis 22
    Death of Sarah: Genesis 23
    Isaac and Rebekah: Genesis 24
    Abraham’s death: Genesis 25
    Jacob and Esau: Genesis 25-27
    Jacob’s dream at Bethel: Genesis 28
    Jacob’s marriages and children: Genesis 29-30
    Jacob’s departure from Laban: Genesis 31
    Jacob wrestles with God: Genesis 32
    Reconciliation with Esau: Genesis 33
    Dinah and the Shechemites: Genesis 34
    God’s reaffirmation of the covenant with Jacob: Genesis 35
    Joseph sold into slavery: Genesis 37
    Tamar and Judah: Genesis 38
    Joseph in Potiphar’s house: Genesis 39
    Joseph in prison: Genesis 40-41
    Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt: Genesis 41
    Joseph’s reunion with his family: Genesis 42-45
    Jacob and his family settle in Egypt: Genesis 46-47
    Jacob’s blessing of his sons: Genesis 49
    Death of Jacob and Joseph: Genesis 50

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