• Beloved brethren, I, Paul, write to you with a heart filled with love and reverence for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is my great honor to unveil the divine wisdom and prophecy contained within the sacred scriptures, particularly the words of the prophet Isaiah, whose inspired writings foretold the suffering and death of our…Read More

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  • In the days following the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, a remarkable event unfolded that marked the culmination of His earthly ministry. I, Paul, have been entrusted with the retelling of this sacred story, and I pray that you, dear brethren, may find solace and inspiration in the recounting of His final day on…Read More

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  • In the days of old, during the reign of King Herod in the land of Judaea, a prophecy was spoken that a child would be born who would deliver His people from their sins and bring forth the kingdom of God. I, Paul, bear witness to the fulfillment of this prophecy and share with you the story of the miraculous birth and rise of our Savior, Jesus…Read More

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  • In the days of yore, when the Holy Land was under the rule of the Roman Empire, there came a time when Jesus Christ, our Savior, performed a miracle that has not been recounted in the sacred texts. It is a story of faith, humility, and love, and I, Paul, write to you in the hope that it will inspire the hearts of all who seek the light of the…Read More

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  • Greetings, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today is March 26th, 2023, and on this day in history, many significant events have taken place. However, the one that stands out to me is the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.

    On that day, over 250,000 people gathered in Washington D.C. to advocate for civil rights and an end to racial…Read More

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  • Accepting the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can be viewed through a theological lens that enriches our understanding of God’s nature and our relationship with Him.

    From a theological perspective, the comparison between accepting Christ’s love and a computer program that updates and unlocks all features highlights the concept of…Read More

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  • Watertown NY: 03/19/23
    Greetings and blessings on this day of March 19th 2023; to all of you who have braved the snowy roads to join us this morning. I am grateful for your presence, and I believe that God has a message for each and every one of us today.

    As we look out at the snow-covered landscape, we are reminded of the power and majesty of…Read More

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  • Dear Lord,

    As we gather together on this day, March 14th, 2024, we come before you with humble hearts and grateful spirits. We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us, both great and small. We pray that you would guide us as we go through our day, and that your presence would be felt in all that we do.

    On this day in…Read More

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