• BlessedDay.org provides a platform for Christians to share their testimonies and personal experiences with Jesus Christ. These stories can be powerful tools in spreading the gospel message, as they offer personal and relatable accounts of how Christ has transformed people’s lives. By sharing these stories, Christians can inspire and e…Read More

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  • We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.


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  • Watertown NY: 03/19/23
    Greetings and blessings on this day of March 19th 2023; to all of you who have braved the snowy roads to join us this morning. I am grateful for your presence, and I believe that God has a message for each and every one of us today.

    As we look out at the snow-covered landscape, we are reminded of the power and majesty of…Read More

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  • Forgiveness is key.


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  • Dear brothers and sisters,

    Today, we gather to commemorate a significant day in Christian history – March 14th. While this date may not immediately come to mind as a pivotal moment in our faith, it is nonetheless a day that has left a lasting impact on the Church.

    On this day in 1794, a man by the name of Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin,…Read More

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  • Dear Lord,

    As we gather together on this day, March 14th, 2024, we come before you with humble hearts and grateful spirits. We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us, both great and small. We pray that you would guide us as we go through our day, and that your presence would be felt in all that we do.

    On this day in…Read More

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  • Adam and Eve – According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God, and lived in the Garden of Eden (c. 4000-3000 BCE).

    Noah – According to the Bible, Noah was a righteous man who built an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood sent by God (c. 3000-2000 BCE).

    Abraham – Considered the father…Read More

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  • It is believed that Jesus spent most of his early life in the town of Nazareth, located in the Galilee region of Israel. At the age of 16, Jesus would have been a typical Jewish teenager, going through the same rites of passage as his peers.

    On a typical day, Jesus would wake up early in the morning before the sun had risen. He would have lived…Read More

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  • During the time of Jesus, the world used various methods to measure time, depending on the culture and region. The most commonly used method was the solar calendar, which was based on the position of the sun in the sky. The solar calendar was used by the Romans, who had a 7-day week, as well as by the Egyptians and Greeks.

    In the Jewish…Read More

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